Monday, June 22, 2009

storytelling:chapter 2 out of sight, not out of mind~part 2

...continued from storytelling:out of sight, not out of mind-pt. 1

The frigid air seeps through the narrow opening of the kitchen window and the formation of dagger-like icicles hang over me. It looks as though I live in an icicle cavern. What would happen if one of the icicles broke? Could it pierce my eye out? Would I even feel it? The corroded window hand crank is worn and broken from many years of abuse, so the window can never be closed. The pain in my right shoulder, both elbows and knuckles is a constant reminder of what comes with each passing winter, besides dragging out the heating blanket, which is always set on the highest number. I tell myself, this will be the last year of this. I will head south, possibly closer to the equator, where there are no such months as winter. And, although I am miles and miles away from that reality, it is always in the back of my mind. 

January has passed and so has another birthday. Another box of cheap hair color, tossed in the trash. My sister-in-law will be here in a week with the two grandchildren, the youngest 3 years old, the eldest 14. All three will be arriving from West Midlands, England, for a weeks stay. When she heard all about Frankie and Candy Darling, she decided that she and the grandchildren would love to see the new kittens too. I love having my sister-in-law come to visit. We always have the greatest time. One would think we were blood related and not related by marriage. And this time with the two children there will be even more shenanigans, especially with the children's  "crazy" uncle. 

I will have my cup of Chocolate Macadamia Nut coffee that I brought back from Hawaii. My sister-in-law, her cup of hot water with a slice of lemon and the children will have a bit of breakfast before their morning bath. We will do our usual chit-chat about the family and what has been going on since we've last seen each other.  I tell her that "hubby" and I have decided that this will be our last year here on the East coast. She asks "Where will you go?" I respond by saying "We don't know yet, but somewhere warmer in winter, maybe Hawaii."  In a higher pinch she says "HAWAII! Oh, no! It's so far away and wot will you do there? I don't think I'll be flying to Hawaii for a visit soon. It's too far away!". I say it's only a thought, to calm her, and that we have no inclination where we will go. I jokingly mention North Carolina. "We'll see, only time will tell. You'll be the first to know", I laughed.

The family has come and gone. The house is quiet, with the exception of Frankie and Candy Darling running, playing and still getting acquainted with their new surroundings. Their new playground is a cardboard house from "Build-A Bear" which was left behind from the youngest grandchild. My spare time is now occupied by the internet in between working events. I search and research the top cities in the US to live. There are a lot of factors when one moves from one state to another. What are the best possibilities for employment, the cost of living? What are your surroundings going to be like? your neighbors? nearest market? nearest veterinarian? The list goes on and on. It is a major task at hand to figure this all out and it's a matter of elimination state by state.

to be continued...

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