Friday, June 12, 2009

storytelling:chapter 2 out of sight, not out of mind~part 1

...continued from storytelling:land of aloha~pt.3

The New Year always starts out promising. A clean slate, like going to confession. There's the "New Year's Resolution(s)", a fishbowl of them. By the end of January, it's downhill for the next eleven months because you and I know, you've totally fucked up......ALREADY! I don't make resolutions anymore. If I make them or break them, it's not going to make a damn bit of difference whether I go to heaven or hell. I just think they're silly. Plus, I don't have any real "personal issues" which I need to address, like smoking, boozing or gambling. I only have an agendas!

The first and foremost on my list is to make sure "hubby", Frankie & Candy Darling are healthy, happy and well looked after. That's a piece of cake. The second agenda is to "clean house" and get rid of "attachments". That may take some doing, as I have ALOT of attachments. I've been trying to get rid of that "blankie" my whole life! The third agenda is to make it to thru the next four seasons.

January is when I start preparing for the twice yearly Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in New York. As a Production Coordinator, you are one of many persons responsible for bringing together the sum of its many entities to make an event successful. It's actually my favorite time(s) of the year at work. It gets hectic and crazy and it's a challenge dealing with all the "beautiful" people. I love it! 

However, Fashion Week is always over in a blink of an eye. Then there's all the in between events throughout the year. And in between those events I'm making a plan of action which will completely consume me in 2008. be continued

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