Saturday, June 6, 2009

"bitch is the new black"

Lela Lee, creator of "Angry Little Asian Girls" and I have 3 things in common: we're both from California, we're both Asian American and we're both angry! Although much younger than myself, Lee felt some of the same stigma I had while growing up in an all "white ignoramus world": racism. I didn't know how to vent my frustrations because in Asian culture, you're brought up to keep quiet and not make trouble. It was a painful journey into puberty, full of doubt and self-loathing. I was the "token" Asian growing up in a Southern California beach town. I just wanted to be one of the "cool, tuff chics". That was never to be. I was constantly at center stage for ridicule. A shy, scared and introverted girl. If anyone spoke to me, I thought I'd shit my panties, teachers included. Every day I tolerated the shoutings of "hey chink, why don't you go back to Pearl Harbor!" or "your a pirate's treasure sunken chest" or "hey slant eyes, blah, blah, blah.....". One day, some jerk threw a kotex in my face. If only I was quick enough to throw it back at him and rant some verbally explicit assault. It was so humiliating. All I wanted to do was kill that "mf*#@" and then myself! I was so angry at my parents for bringing me into the world. I hated being a "Jap"....if only I was "white"!

Thanks to the ever funny Lela Lee, her cartoon characters have brought comic relief to a continual mocking and cynical world of prejudice and racism. She fueled all her anger and began to draw, whereby, creating the cartoon character of Kim, who's witty snide and cutting remarks tells it like it she sees it, in clever "one liners". My friend and fellow Asian, Louisa, is the incarnate of Kim, also a big fan of "Angry Little Asian Girls". She's a "quick draw" on the sarcasm and can fire rounds of unstoppable utterances, better than anyone I know!

Today, I'm happy to say that I'm a well adjusted "angry little Asian girl". I am no longer shy, scared and introverted. I'm just a little bit crazy, thanks to all you "dumb, stupid, moronic self-absorbed, all deserving free-loaders of the world!" I know how to blurt out snarkly one liners, just like the cartoon character, Kim. Go on, give me a try, cause "bitch is the new black"!


Anonymous said...

I never thought of you as "asian", you were just my friend, who could too throw out caustic one liners at the ripe old age of 15.

Anonymous said...

"asian" ?
I thought you were "ornamental"

Anonymous said...

I had NO IDEA you were an angry little Asian girl!!! You seemed happy to me, always laughing and cracking jokes...altho you were very sarcastic at times...but werent we all. Poor little Ish! Why didnt you tell me? I love our friendship and always have. I never thought of you as different from me except i couldnt grow my hair as long as yours!!! Just to make you feel a little better boys called me a pirate's dream too.
Looking back i was shy and insecure also...which was probably why i felt i needed the f-ing attention from boys all the time...But i am caucasian and of course cant relate to your experience. I wish i could give you a big hug right now.

Unknown said...

People can be so mean!! I am sorry you experienced racism!I didn't know you, but always thought you were very pretty and you seemedlike a nice person. I was sad too while growing up because of family life(issues) I was homeless while a senior. I can't believe I graduated, staying in a camper shell in a friends backyard and couch surfing! My friends became my life line. I think now these experiences as tough and difficult as they were, make us who we are today. They were hard lessons but I know I learned a lot and it made me a good mom, a caring person who is strong and resilient...and also a good cook!: )

prickly pineapple said...
