Thursday, June 4, 2009

most powerful

Angelina Jolie or Oprah Winfrey? Angelina Jolie has bumped out Oprah Winfrey from her number one spot as Forbes Magazine "Most Powerful Celebrity In The World". I wonder what Oprah thinks? She probably doesn't care, but I have a feeling she does, in the privacy in her own home. Poor Stedman! It's debatable, considering Winfrey makes 100 x's more than Jolie. Last year, Winfrey made an estimated $275 million in comparison to Jolie's $27 million. It's still not chump change. But, its power ranking is based on media exposure and career earnings. Hell, there's plenty of exposure. Six kids in tow, Brad Pitt (a big celebrity himself), Jolie's humanitarian work as Goodwill Ambassador for The UN Refugee Agency and the her box off hits: "Wanted" and "Kung Fu Panda". She was also nominated for an oscar for her role in "The Changling". Whew! She's one busy lady! I love Angelina Jolie. She's hot! And those lips are to die for. And I love Oprah Winfrey. Especially her money and more of it! BUT, who would I vote for?

Now, you're probably wondering why I have this photo of Cha Rosa's one-piece Swarovski bathing suit, which ONLY cost $3200. It's not for swimming, but for "lounging" poolside, while gossiping as to whom the most powerful woman in the world is?
I think whoever fits the swimsuit wins!

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