Tuesday, June 30, 2009

insects invade oahu!

Think tiny insects are frightening? How about one that is 120 times it's itty-bitty normal size? It was like walking onto a movie set. "The Giant Insect Safari" exhibit at Pearl Ridge Shopping Center focus' on several different types of ginormous bugs ranging from battling beetles, the needle of a mosquito piercing a human skin and sucks its blood, a stick bug, locust and preying mantis. All the bugs are replicas of a real life insects, from the detailing of their features and their body movements. 

It takes 3 to 5 months to produce a gigantic animatronic insect. The insects mechanically operate by an air compressor that is cleverly incorporated in the bug itself and it's artificial plants and landscape. The swamp-like setting is made from recycled materials from past exhibits and the use of aqua vinyl. A small choo-choo train for the kiddies provides a more in depth look into the world of bugs.
(Giant Locust)

However, just by watching the kids, I think they're a little to young to know what's going on. One little kid was so frightened, she started screaming to get off. I'm sure if I was that kid, I'd be scared shitless too! But in all reality, it's not scary at all, but a pretty cool looking production that is set throughout two parts of the mall. 
(the ugly Stick Insect)

Probably the most intimidating of all the insects was the Preying Mantis (right). It may have been due to the low lighting and where the insect was situated in the mall. The movement of both its front legs begin to open up and moves toward you as its mouth opens. It's kind of creepy. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those giant insects were soooo creepy! Skyler would have nightmares forever if he ever saw that exhibit. He freaks out with any kind of tiny bug esp. spiders!