Sunday, May 31, 2009

storytelling:chapter 1 land of aloha~part 2

...continued from storytelling:land of aloha~part 1
We boarded our flight back to New Jersey, but we had a layover in Las Vegas. It was a pretty awful flight, to say the least. I was sneezing and blowing my nose through-out our overseas flight to Vegas. I couldn't breathe, my sinus' were congested and I had the drip, drip, drip thing going on. On top of that, I had an excruciating headache. Now, I know that most of you have had this condition at one time or another, but I swear, it was all I could do to not think about how much I wanted to simply get up, crawl down the aisle to the back of the plane, turn the handle and release the latch on the back door and do a back flip sans!

Over 6 grueling hours, 2 hours of pre-flight time pacing the airport, we had finally landed in Vegas. NOW we have 3 hours to kill, I fell like crap, PLUS I don't even gamble! All I wanted to do was check into a motel and crawl into bed. My loving "hubby", feeling ever so badly about my condition, said that we could spend the night and take a later flight. But I declined and said I'd stick it out and get the rest of our flight over with. So "hubby" suggested we go to the Hard Rock Cafe and grab a bite to eat. Sleep in the restaurant booth, if I wanted, I might feel better. Oh, what a guy! Well, at least I was off the plane, I could breathe a bit easier, but by now my nose was completely raw from blowing and wiping it so much and now I had an earache. The only thing I could think about was the next 5 hour flight to New Jersey. The temperature was going to be in the 40's and there would be snow on the ground. OMG!!!!

So we're back on the plane and I don't really know what happened after that because all of a sudden we've landed at Newark. It must have been shot of whiskey I had for lunch at The Hard Rock because I passed out as soon as I got back on the plane. I was completely shattered. 

It's 5:30 am on Friday, January 4th and I was watching the sun come up on the drive home from the airport. I remember the sky was a bright red orange and blue. It looked so beautiful. "Hold on a minute", I thought. "This is a trick. Who cares what the sky looks like. I am back in New Jersey!" As soon as we walked in the door to our freezing apartment I went straight to bed and slept for 20 hours.

to be continued...


Madda said...

I love your blog, your so fresh and funny.
I'm waiting for a new chapter!

Anonymous said...

This was really well written and interesting Cyn. Can't wait for the next installment!