Saturday, May 30, 2009

gay pride parade 2009

What parade? Was that REALLY a parade?
"Auwe!" I can't even begin to tell you you what a big, no HUGE, disappointment that was for me today. And I can imagine how disappointed the gay community felt. Or did they feel the same as I did? First of all, where was Governor Linda Lingle? Mayor Mufi Hanneman or any public official? Didn't anyone of them think this was an important event in the City of Honolulu? The city took the time, effort AND the taxpayers money to put up the curb signage and have the police patrol the streets from Ala Moana Blvd. down Kalakaua, didn't they? That's a big deal when that happens. I don't get it. Strange, I didn't even see one tv camera crew there either. I read that the parade was from 9am til noon. By the time I got there it was over. It was only 10am! Second, why is the parade at 9am? I understand how hot it gets in the afternoon, but it seems like most of the parades that go down Kalakaua take place between 4-6pm. Someone told me that 9am was the only available time slot for the parade. WHAT? WHY? Because it was a "Gay Parade"? What kind of choice it that? What else was going on that day? I would be so peeved if this was the ONLY "choice" I had for something that is meaningful to me, the community and what I/we stand for! It's completely ridiculous!

This was my first Gay Pride Parade in Honolulu. I was looking forward to seeing creatively decorated floats with garlands of flowers, outlandish costumes, the gay and lesbian community and supporters by the hundreds. I wasn't expecting the Rose Parade, but I have to say, my husband included, we felt cheated! I've been to Gay Pride in West Hollywood and in NYC and their parades are so much more outrageous. And a larger outpouring of love and support from the community. It just took me by surprise. 

On the brighter side of things, it was a glorious day for a the Gay Pride Parade! Everyone was happy and in good spirits. Miss Gay Pride graciously let me take her photo. Thank you very much! And the brightly dressed man with the colorful headdress, who lead the trolley full of supporters, was as gay as gay can be. No pun intended! Next year, I want see more of the likes of him and his beautiful spirit.

I hope next year and the year after the Gay Pride Parade will be even bigger and better. I hope one day you get your "Equal Rights". Why shouldn't you? We are all one. Human beings, living, breathing and striving to become better people. A community of people coming together for peace, love, respect and understanding.

What color is your rainbow?


Unknown said...

9am to 12pm????? Whaaaa?????? How ridiculous!!!! Is that what time y'all start partying over that aways??? constance c.

prickly pineapple said...
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