Wednesday, March 23, 2011

japan:"WE'RE HOME!!!"

(7th and final email from Stella sent 23 march at 8:33pm)

"WE'RE HOME!!!!"

"well after a 13 hour flight with a layover in osaka to pick up our flight crew (you see we flew singapore air and they fly from singapore to tokyo to l.a. however since the earthquake, the flight crew has been sleeping in osaka due to aftershocks!  they just get no rest in tokyo) we arrive to lax.  

we then get scanned for radiation, as does our luggage.  we both/all pass.  whew!  

it is bittersweet to be home.  home without my son, just doesn't feel like home.  i do thou understand that he has a future that may or may not be in japan and i just have to understand.

at the end of the day, we had a wonderful time.  i want to thank all of you for your emails of concern, love and support. japan was beautiful and the adventure was priceless!"


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