Saturday, March 12, 2011

japan:"japan aftermath"

...3rd  email from my friend, Stella, who went to japan with her husband for her son's graduation...sent 12 march 2011 at 4:56am

"so here it is over 24 hours later and the shaking has yet to subside!  we have now had a total of 160 aftershocks with 130 of them over 5.0!!  the shaking just doesn't stop.  we now have a new worry... a nuclear plant that may or may not have a melt down!  

all american citizens have been asked to register with the american embassy.  so daniel and i are in the process of doing just that.  gene registered back when he arrived here 5 years ago.  

we ventured out to the streets today.  we had to walk at least 5 miles one way to the harajuku area. the whole walk we were the only ones out.  no subways or trains are running. one out of 20 stores was open and if it was open, their shelves were empty.  everyone had bought any and all food or water.  gas stations were closed as were the temples we came across.  when we reached harajuku, it was a ghost town.  everything was closed except for one store, kiddyland!  

our plans were to go on to kyoto for another week and on to hiroshima, nara and osaka however we don't know if the trains will be up and running.  narita airport is still closed, so even if we wanted to come home...we can't.  

so we'll make the best of it and wait...and pray".


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