Monday, December 7, 2009

uss arizona memorial

Hawaii's most visited attraction with more than 1.5 million visitors yearly. The USS Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor was constructed atop this sunken battle ship as a memorial to the 1177 Arizona sailors who lost their lives on the Pearl Harbor attack, 900 of which are entombed in the hull of the battleship. Pearl Harbor is the largest natural harbor in Hawaii and is the only Navy Base in the United States that is a National Historic Landmark.

On December 7th, 1941, approximately 350 Japanese dive bombers and fighters sank 12 navy ships and severely damaged 9 others. As many as 2400 Americans were killed and nearly 1180 were injured. Over 300 aircraft were destroyed or badly damaged. "It was the worse disaster in naval history."


Michelle said...

Was here in 10/03. Very sobering experience; had no control over my tears.

Michelle said...

Was there 10/03, on my honeymoon. My husband's dad was stationed there for a short time. It was a very sobering experience; had no control over the tears.

prickly pineapple said...

it was an amazing experience and such a great memorial. that was exactly how i felt when i went to hiroshima, japan with my mom 3 years ago. the museum was overwhelming to say the least.
thank you for reading and for your comments.
I didn't know you went to hawaii for your honeymoon! how romantic!