Thursday, July 30, 2009

storytelling:chapter 2 out of sight, not out of mind~part 7

...continued from storytelling:out of sight, not out of mind~pt. 6

I remember when I first brought "the babies" (photo left) home at 8 weeks old. "Hubby" and I just got back from a Christmas holiday in Hawaii. They were so small and innocent. Frightened of every little noise and movement in their new surroundings and looking for places to hide in their new home.

It's mid May 2008. Candy Darling (black nose) and Frankie (blue eyes) are now 6 months old. They are now ready for their first visit with Dr. Kim and have their physical examination, FVRCP Series Vaccination, Rabies (1 year) Vaccination, Fecal Exam for Parasites, Pyrantel dewormer-prophylaxis, FeL/FIV, and Feline Leukemia Vaccine (1 of 2). Approximate cost for 2 cats $600.

Our second visit is on June 23rd. Candy Darling and Frankie will have their physical exam-wellness series, FVRCP vaccine, Feline Leukemia Vaccine (2 of 2), Pyrantel dewormer-prophylaxis and "Home Again" Microchip Implantation. Approximate cost for 2 cats $450.

The microchip implantation will not hurt your pet. It looks like a small grain of white rice. It is implanted in the back of the neck (dorsal/interscalpular area). It's purpose is for identification. When your pet is scanned, an id number will appear. You will have to activate your "Home Again" Membership, either by mail or on-line. Activation fee is $10 plus $15 for one year membership.

I would have to say the cats did very well with their first and second exams. They were a little tired when they got home each time, which I had expected. It's quite a lot being handled and having the vaccinations, but they were fine.

Our next visit would be in August for the physical exam-wellness visit, Rabies (3 year) Vaccination and Rabies Serology Test (FAVN). The FAVN Rabies Antibody Test is very important. Your pet will have a blood sample taken and it will be sent to a lab at Kansas State University, along with the proper paperwork from your vet. Once the lab has received both blood and paperwork your vet will be notified. Your vet in turn should notify you, as well. Then you will then have to wait for for the test results. Your vet will notify you of the results NOT the lab. *The Kansas State University will send test results directly to the "Division of Animal Industry/Animal Quarantine Branch" in Aiea, Hawaii. They will send a fax to your vet that they have received your pet(s) test results, approximately 3 weeks. At this time you will know whether or not the test is positive or negative. It is important that you retain a copy of ALL paperwork transmitted from your vet, response from Kansas State University and fax from the Animal Quarantine. Keep for your records. Approximate cost for 2 cats is $550.

After your vet receives notification from the State of Hawaii that everything is good, then you must wait 120 days before you enter the state of Hawaii. If not, your pet(s) can be quarantined for 120 days. Note~your pet(s) the most recent rabies vaccination is NOT LESS THAN 90 days before your pet(s) arrive in Hawaii.

January 2009, the 120 day waiting period is over. I now go back to see Dr. Kim, without the cats, to get the Import Forms for the cats. He will instruct me on how to fill out the form and also tell me that I need to get the forms notarized. Notarized?! I had no clue and in all the information I read and re-read, there is no indication that you must get the Dog & Cat Import Form notarized. Once again, thank heaven's for Dr. Kim! So I fill out the forms, get both import forms notarized and send two separate cashier's check (one envelope) CERTIFIED to the Dept. of Agriculture in Hawaii.

In the meantime, I got a pet kennel big enough for both cats (sisters, from the same litter). I had to get one big enough for them to stand up and turn around in. Call the airlines to confirm specifics for kennels. Pets traveling to Hawaii will NOT be able to travel in the cabin. They go in baggage or are sent by cargo.

Since I already made flight arrangements to Hawaii from Los Angeles, I had to make sure are road trip, yes road trip in a 5 ton truck coincided with our itinerary because the next step is so crucial. I couldn't "f" this up!
Frankie and Candy Darling's final physical exam with Dr. Kim was on January 28th. They both got their Health Certificates (INT'L) USDA, a flea preventative treatment and some Acepromazine, which is an anti-anxiety medication, just in case the cats needed it for the road trip. They never used it, but I sure could have on the flight to Hawaii! I now had 14 days from January 28th to get to Hawaii. We still had to drive across country to Los Angeles, unload all our belongings in storage (2 days) and get on that plane on Feb. 9th. And it is all without incident!

to be continued...

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