Thursday, January 13, 2011

3 of hearst's castle zebra's killed by neighboring rancher

Not only innocent people are killed by guns, but innocent animals. 
3 of Hearst's zebra's were killed by two of their neighboring rancher's saying they were "spooking" their horses and cattle. The zebra's had jumped the fence and were 10 miles down the road when two neighboring ranchers shot the zebras dead (a male, a mare and a yearling). They then took the zebras to a taxidermist to have their hides tanned.

"William Randolph Hearst's great-grandson, Steve Hearst, said he was "a little shocked and disappointed that our neighbors wouldn't have just called to say, 'We have three of your zebras down here, and how do you want to get them back?' Neighbors are usually there to help their neighbors, not shoot their zebras. . . . It's a shame they took that action."

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