Tuesday, September 15, 2009

warning signs posted up and down the waikiki beach

There have been sightings of over 300 hundred "box" jelly fish aka carybdea alata in Waikiki Beach, Makaha and Hanauma Bay and they have apparently have begun to become a bit more friendly than you'd want them to be. About 60 people were stung, but nothing major. These unwelcome sea creatures usually arrive 10 days after a full moon and lasts for a few days.

The "box" jelly fish are square in shape and have poisonous threads or tenacles. They usually swim to the nearby shore and leave their spawn and then go away. It's a natural reaction for the box jelly fish to sting whenever touched as a defense mechanism. Sounds like some alien movie to me! I didn't  see any in Waikiki today, but have seen them floating in the Ala Wai Canal a few months back which is very unusual.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ouch!!! That hurts! It reminds me of when I got stung I think in Hawaii too!